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Home » A Plastic Ocean, is That What We Want?

A Plastic Ocean, is That What We Want?

A Plastic Ocean, is That What We Want?

A Plastic Ocean, is That What We Want?

Posted on March 7, 2019 Published By: Eduardo Espinosa

A Plastic Ocean Is That What We Want: Plastic waste is a serious problem that has been around for years, and far from solving this problem, we just turn our heads the other way and let it get bigger and bigger. Unfortunately, the ocean suffers the worst part of this problem.

Let’s review these facts:

  • 8 million tons of plastic enter the ocean every year
  • 60 to 90 percent of marine litter is plastic-based
  • 700 species in the ocean are affected by plastic
  • Cigarette butts, plastic bags, fishing gear and food and beverage containers are the most common forms of plastic pollution in the oceans
  • and I’d also add that plastic pollutes, sickens, kills and never disappears

Plastic oceans

So why aren’t we stopping this? My guess is that living with the comfort offered by the plastic industry is easier, making plastic items a necessity. The truth is that we don’t need plastic to live, however, we definitely need the ocean to exist. The ocean plays an important role in our world for many reasons; the most important is because it represents 70% of the earth’s surface. It also generates 70% of the oxygen we breath and is a major source of food for all humanity. I could mention many other facts about how important the ocean is, but, ultimately, we need to understand that the ocean represents an important balance for our planet in order to preserve our lives. So there’s really not much to think about. We all need to care. Period.

Plastic oceans

Fortunately for those of us who are Cabo residents, the State Congress of BCS recently approved a regulation to prohibit the use of plastic bags, straws and polystyrene containers in commercial establishments and convenience stores throughout the entire State; something that, in my opinion, should have happened a long time ago, not only in the State, but worldwide. This is definitely a breakthrough, but it doesn’t solve the problem entirely, not even close. This also requires the participation of society by being conscious, responsible and aware of the consequences if we don’t stop now. So let’s start with ourselves at home, then with our families and friends, making everyone aware of the problem and showing them the solution. It’s not just about throwing the trash in the right container anymore, we need to get rid of plastic now before is too late.


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